The first step to wisdom is awareness, and awareness starts with an objective evaluation. If you don’t know where you are, you can’t effectively map new directions. Moreover, the good news – bad news is that no matter how good you are, you can always get better. And if you don’t work on your knowledge, skills and abilities, they will degrade overtime.

Assessment of your Strengths, Developmental Areas, Opportunities and External Threats. This area is broken down into:

  • 360 degree evaluations
  • Competitive analyses
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Comparative leadership inventories
  • Evaluation of thinking and influence styles
  • Evaluation of learning styles


  • Increase strengths and compensate for weaknesses
  • Make adjusts that will move you to improved results
  • Assess the strengths and weakness of others through three key approaches
  • Turn conflicts into cooperation and higher levels of performance